Building New Coaching Businesses after 6-Figure Success, with Coach: Beryl Hedger
From small steps like overcoming sudden Fear of Facebook Live (despite having done it hundreds of times) through to becoming a leader in her former 6-Figure IT business; Coach Beryl Hedger of Forever Yours Flowers and BBK Mentoring gets vulnerable about the Brave Steps in her business and life: Past, Present and Future.

Entrepreneurial Lessons: Past Performance Doesn’t Equal Future Success!
This is one of my hardest entrepreneurial lessons learned: Past Performance Doesn’t Equal Future Success! And I’m not sure I’ve fully learned it yet, either. But I wanted to pass this on – because it’s so important for my fellow imperfect business owners, who’ve failed, who’ve made mistakes in the past!

Social Media Algorithms: A Cautionary Tale from YouTube
This week, I was watching a heartfelt plea from one creator to the company that controls his livelihood to address issues which he’d been battling for over 3 months. Now this wasn’t a ‘poor me, they changed the algorithms’ type post… This was much more disturbing..

Books That Changed My Business: Essentialism by Greg McKeown
Before I read the book Essentialism by Greg McKeown I used to say Yes, to every opportunity. But, my big dreams they were always forgotten… There was no time because I was saying Yes to everything else, except what mattered to me the most. It was how I lived my life for decades before I read Greg’s book (and I re-read it every year).

The biggest launching mistake I’ve seen…
The biggest mistake I see with Launching? I know you’ve grabbed your notebook and expecting some great big list of technical or sales failures, right? Well, actually – That’s Not It!

Launching Tips: Is an Easier Launch Even Possible? Yes and here’s why…
When I first started on my epic quest to make launching easier for myself, I had this persistent thought crop up… ‘Is an easier launch even possible?’

Marketing Tips: Does Your Marketing Strategy Fit Your Personality?
Are you following some ‘Guru’ who told you the only way to promote your business is their way… but it doesn’t quite fit who you are? 😕 You’re trying to follow all the tips, all the strategies but it’s not clicking… I’ve definitely been there…

Best Launching Tip: Keep It Simple!
I know what you’re thinking.. Launching can’t be easy or simple or anything but hard… am I right? I thought that way for so long in my business! Not only did I think it was hard, but I avoided it for years.

Why You Don’t Need A Big Email List To Launch
Is there anything more nerve-wracking than launching a new course to… no-one. That’s exactly what it feels like when you have a small email list.

The #1 Thing Your Sales Page Needs!
Zero clients. Zero enquiries. Zero interest. What could be worse? You’ve poured your heart and your soul into perfecting your sales page, yet the results aren’t showing. Why?

Sales Pages are Like Love Letters
Sales Pages are like Love letters…I know it’s a crazy idea but stick with me on this…

Can You Launch With A Small Email List? 0 – 1000 Subscribers
“I can’t launch yet, I need to grow my list first.” I hear this all the time and stay tuned because I’ve got some great news for you based on my own experiences. Not just my own, but also that of my clients.

Isn’t Launching Expensive? No, and Here’s Why
Launching something in your business doesn’t have to be expensive! (I have some amazing stories for you, stick around). For the longest time, I avoided launching because I thought it was super expensive.

Online Business: How To Balance Work and Life 3 Top Tips
Business is a Marathon, not a sprint. For a long time in my business, I listened to the ‘gurus’ who told me if I really wanted my business to work, I’d put everything into it and make sacrifices.

Online Business: 4 Reasons Why Your Last Launch Didn’t Work
Having a launch with zero sales is a rite of passage for most entrepreneurs. If this has happened to you, know that you’re not alone… And, as strange as it may sound, you are actually one step closer to your success. Because you know one more thing that doesn’t work.

How To Overcome Fear of Failure – 3 Ways
“I’m nervous about putting something out there. What if it doesn’t work?” – These were the exact words spoken to me by my client in our first session, today.

Failure is Essential in Business: Stop Pretending Otherwise
Why is it so hard to write about my own failures? Even though I firmly believe that every failure helps me move towards my success?

Struggling to Find Clients? 4 Reasons Why Launching is the Answer
Zero Clients. Zero Sales for Your Online Course. Can there be anything worse? Especially, if you’ve been doing all the time in the online groups, all the social media posts… Weren’t you doing what they told you to do? Well, here’s an interesting way to get more clients…

Sales Conversation Techniques for Introverts
If you’re an introvert like me, the idea of sales conversations can be truly terrifying. It certainly was for me. I’d start thinking about how I had to be amazing and impress this person just so they would work with me.

Push Yourself or Look After Yourself?
The eternal question: Should I be working harder or actually slowing down a little? I struggle to find this balance in my business a lot which is why I’m writing this post right now.