Be Brave - Be Yourself
It’s the ultimate irony that someone who’s been writing her whole life, is so passionate about Bravery, Business and Marketing, can’t write her About page.

Be Brave - Be Yourself
It’s the ultimate irony that someone who’s been writing her whole life, is so passionate about Bravery, Business and Marketing, can’t write her About page.
Hi! I’m Tiff
I’ve been logging into this blank page for over a week now and you’d think that I’d never written an About page before - let alone the actual countless pages I’ve written for various businesses of my own, the many many pivots I’ve made AND many clients in the last 10 years.
How can I have so much to say about me, my journey and Bravery and yet not be able to find a single word to get started?
I want to dazzle you with amazing stories of Bravery like the time I finally told friends and family that I had started a business after 12 months of hiding it in secret.
Only to discover that they didn’t care and I wasn’t interested in their opinions anymore
Maybe there was the Bravery of having people (and that voice inside) tell me to give up, but I kept going anyway.
Or the time I ignored what the gurus said and ran a challenge launch my own way that had me booked solid for 6 months and made me over $10K.
Or the many times I just had to close my eyes and message a stranger on the internet.
I’m helping my clients be Brave every single day so they can sign more clients.
Apart from not give up - the Bravest thing I’ve done is Be Myself.
Sounds Crazy but when you’re a recovering perfectionist who people pleased her way through life - Being myself didn’t come naturally to me. I didn’t even know who I was since I was always putting the needs and wants of others as my top priority.
I was filled with anxiety and this deep feeling within that I just didn’t have what it took to create the life of my dreams.
This is why I hate telling people that I’ve been in online marketing for over 10 years, worked with over 100 clients across multiple industries and I still haven’t made 6 figures in a year (in my own business).
Because my mindset held me back. I had no idea about managing my mind.
I just thought being anxious all the time was WHO I was and that I’d have to build a business despite that huge personality flaw.
And try to hide that flaw from Everyone - which only added to the anxiety.
Then I noticed that my Marketing Consulting clients who got the best results - were the ones who knew how to manage their minds.
To tame that inner voice that had an opinion on everything.
They knew how to handle the frustration of things not going as planned without it throwing them completely off course.
And they signed more clients and made more money than I did 😬🤢
This is how I became fascinated with learning about the mind, the subconscious and not believing every thought I had.
Because, most of the thoughts centered around how I wasn’t good enough, everything I was doing wasn’t good enough and how I should just give up.
Then I found a number of different coaches, worked with them and learned the tools I use to help me do Brave things in my business.
Crazy things like write an About Page that doesn’t follow ANY of the formulas
But that feels genuine to who I am and who I think you’ll understand if you’re starting your coaching business.
Tools that allowed me to believe that:
• My dream business is possible for me.
• That I am worthy even if a potential client says ‘No’
• That being myself is enough.
Even if I am a bit messy in my mind.
Tools that led to the Creation of the Business Bravery Framework and the Bravery Board (think Vision Board with a Twist)
Tools that help me on those days at 3pm when I feel like I’m behind and I’ll never catch up.
The same things which help me to create content, attract clients, have them sign up with me and then I help them do the same thing.
In a way that suits their personality.
Whether you’re just starting out in coaching and wanting to sign your first paying clients (one of my specialities)
You’ve been around the block, tried all the things, pivoted so many times, and yet, you just want something to work (another specialty)
Know that I’ve been there, I’ve helped myself through it, I’ve helped my clients through it AND I can help you through it.
Want to work with me:
More About Me & How I Got Here…
I’ll keep it simple and random with these 11 Facts:
I’ve been in Online Marketing for 10+ years and running this business for 6 of them. I went full time in my business in 2021.
Before 2011, I worked for 12 years in IT in Higher Education assisting & Running 7 Figure Projects in Online Learning. I do not code but I understand computers.
I have 20+ years Teaching & Training Experience. I often end up teaching classes in what I know including: English, Project Management, Online Marketing, Computers & Software, Photography & Video. Many people remark on my patience when teaching.
In 2014, I worked for Photographer, Trey Ratcliff, who had Millions of Followers, doing social media for his online Membership. I learned so much in that role.
I love photography & video. In fact, my business started as photography & video services (on the side of my Marketing Day job). Once it became a business, I didn’t enjoy photography anymore so I shifted into helping businesses with Marketing instead.
I got my love of business from my parents. They built a Million Dollar Income business selling computers in the late 80s, which they sold in the 90s. I was 10-13. I grew up discussing Business & Marketing strategy around the dinner table… I love this stuff!
I was born in Australia, but have traveled around the world and spent time living in South Korea, Germany & Mexico. German is my very rusty second language and I can speak enough Korean to get around the city and not starve.
I’m married to an amazing guy. We’ve been together for 19 years and married for 12 of them. Having kids didn’t work out for us, but I do care part-time for an aging parent with special needs.
I have a Bachelor of Commerce degree where I majored in Marketing and Management Information Systems (meaning systems, processes, IT). I also graduated with a Master of Arts in Media and Communications in 2019.
In 2017, I created and ran a project for a local non-profit helping over 100+ local businesses get online. This involved a hybrid offline / online strategy to get people to sign up to a membership and teaching everything about Websites, Social Media, Etsy etc.
I’m not a 1 Size Fits All Coach / Consultant. While I focus on Marketing and Mindset, there are a huge range of strategies and approaches. While the foundations of the Business Bravery Framework are similar, there are tweaks customized to each client’s unique strengths and situation.