Amazing Client Results
See below the Results my Clients Have Achieved.
Created a Video for a Successful Kickstarter which received $40,000 AUD in funding (Video shot and edited by me)
Got 100 new leads in a month for a client with a $400AUD ad spend to people who had never heard of the business
Created an email list for a client to capture potential leads. Due to the high demand, It went from 0 – 300 people in 3 days and hit 1,000 people within a month
I helped a business owner get her first consulting client
Revived a failing launch so the business owner got 2 customers instead of 0
Grew a group of 150 people in 6 weeks from 0 using Facebook Ads to people who had never heard of me
Built a Membership from 0 – 100 in 6 months using a variety of offline and online strategies
Created a Viral Video 20,000 views in 12 hours
Helped a consulting client get 124 clicks on a Facebook Ad campaign to an audience who had never heard of her
Grown my service based business (Freelance Marketing) from $0 – $4,000 AUD / month in 9 months
Earned a client $2,500 USD in additional sales and ensured her workshop could go ahead by assisting with a Facebook Live
Helped a client get comfortable on camera in a matter of hours so that she could start doing daily live video in her Facebook Group
Helped a client increase sales by 10% and gain an industry partnership by giving her the confidence and skills to post on Facebook
Prevented a client from getting her Facebook Ads account banned by fixing her Ad Copy
Got a client 12,000 video ad views per month at $0.02 / view to increase exposure and engagement for a 12 month period
Helped revived a failing launch with a new Facebook Live strategy for client
Adjusted a client’s opt-in strategy to ensure increased conversion from freebie to client
Helped client to monetize her YouTube channel with sponsorships
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