Building New Coaching Businesses after 6-Figure Success, with Coach: Beryl Hedger

From Small Brave Steps to 6-Figure Leadership

From small steps like overcoming sudden Fear of Facebook Live (despite having done it hundreds of times) through to becoming a leader in her former 6-Figure IT business; Coach Beryl Hedger of Forever Yours Flowers and BBK Mentoring gets vulnerable about the Brave Steps in her business and life: Past, Present and Future.

Pivotal Moments

She discusses pivotal moments such as overcoming fear, leading a team of people who know more than you, and how she’s currently applying Neuro-Coaching skills not only to Business Owners but also to Brides in Wedding Planning & Styling.

Taking a Paycut & Getting Started

Beryl discusses big Brave steps like taking a $50K paycut to start her first business when she’d never dreamed of being an entrepreneur, her husband encouraging her to step into leadership and upskill with University credentials later in life.

Don’t use the word ‘But’ & Other Mindset Training Techniques

She also talks about why she trains her clients not to use the word ‘But’, how it impacts our ability to achieve and what to do instead.

Inspired to do something Brave?

Have you been inspired? Share it with Tiffany and the community on Instagram @tiffanygstudios or use #businessbraverypodcast so we can cheer you on & inspire others to do the Next Brave thing in their coaching business.

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Entrepreneurial Lessons: Past Performance Doesn’t Equal Future Success!