The #1 Thing Your Sales Page Needs!

Zero clients. Zero enquiries. Zero interest. What could be worse? You’ve poured your heart and your soul into perfecting your sales page, yet the results aren’t showing. Why?

Haven’t you explored every avenue?

Written and rewritten the words (until your eyes glazed over).

Changed up the images (numerous times).

Added some great testimonials that speak volumes about your amazing course (giving you that boost of confidence).

Popped in a FAQ section to ensure your potential client has all the information they need.
You’ve spent hours and are still getting nowhere. You’re tearing your hair out and asking yourself: Why?

Well, here’s the thing. You’re missing ONE key ingredient. That vital missing piece of the puzzle.

It’s the one thing I see most of my clients and students overlook…

Yet, it’s essential to building a connection with your clients, and in turn, creating sales.

It’s all about understanding your audience and how they make their purchasing decisions.
And without it, your sales page is almost certainly doomed to fail.

In this week’s video, I talk about this missing ingredient and why it is so vital to your sales page.

I talk about what it is, why you need it and go through an example from one of my client’s sales pages…

So you can gain a before and after insight into the magic of this ingredient and how it can help you succeed.

Watch it here.

Now, I’d love to hear from you. What are your thoughts on the perfect sales page? Is yours ready to go, or does it still need some work? Let me know over on Instagram!


Why You Don’t Need A Big Email List To Launch


Sales Pages are Like Love Letters