Why You Don’t Need A Big Email List To Launch

Is there anything more nerve-wracking than launching a new course to… no-one. That’s exactly what it feels like when you have a small email list.

Every thought goes through your head…

It’s not worth my time.

It’s not worth my effort.

It’s going to flop.


None of these things! In this week’s video I talk about the three reasons WHY you don’t need a big list to launch.

I take you on a personal journey through my own experience.

It’s not about that big payday (though that can be nice) but the opportunities you are opening your business up to.

Just remember: we all have to start somewhere. If you never take that leap then you will never succeed.

More important than numbers is that vital connection you have with your subscribers. 

Numbers mean nothing if they aren’t interested in what you do and what you have to offer. See where I am going with this?

Size doesn’t matter!

So, head on over to discover THREE amazing reasons you don’t need a big email list.

Three big, fat reasons you should go ahead and launch that course.

Three reasons that the small email list of yours is worth its weight in gold.

Dive in and watch it here.

Now, I’d love to hear from you. Do you have a course you are ready to launch but haven’t yet? What’s holding you back? Let me know in a DM over on Instagram!


Best Launching Tip: Keep It Simple!


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