Episode 45: Trusting Yourself and Finding Success, with Branding & Design Expert: Ksenia Azanova

I had the pleasure of interviewing Ksenia Azanova, a talented brand and web designer for Visionary Solopreneurs. In our conversation, Ksenia shared her experiences of bravery in her business journey.

The Challenge of Networking for Business as an Introvert

She discussed how networking and getting herself out there was a challenge for her as an introverted person, but she pushed herself to overcome it.

How to Trust Your Gut in Business

Ksenia also emphasized the importance of trusting her gut when it comes to choosing clients and projects, as she learned the hard way from a nightmare client experience.

She advised listeners to listen to their instincts and not be afraid to say no to clients or projects that don't align with their values or goals.

Ksenia Bravely Starts Podcasting

Ksenia also mentioned her recent venture into podcasting and her plans to explore speaking opportunities in the future.

Self-Trust in Business

Overall, Ksenia's story highlights the importance of self-trust and staying true to oneself in the business world.

Inspired to do something Brave?

Share it with Tiffany and the community on Instagram @tiffanygstudios or use #businessbraverypodcast so we can cheer you on & inspire others to do the Next Brave thing in their coaching business.

Find out more https://www.tiffanygstudios.com/

Listen on your favorite podcast app here: https://www.tiffanygstudios.com/business-bravery-podcast

Discover Ksenia:

Book a Free Design Clarity Call - https://portal.kseniaa.co/public/ksenia/design-clarity-call

Website - https://kseniaa.co/

IG - https://www.instagram.com/kseniaa.co/

Podcast - https://kseniaa.co/podcast

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kseniava/


Episode 46: Lessons Learned from Quarter 1 - Behind The Bravery [Tiff Unedited]


Episode 44: The Power of Slowing Down in Life and Business, with Coach: Mary Hopper