A Tale of Business Mistakes: Accidentally deleting email subscribers

Last week, I made a terrible mistake. I accidentally deleted 30 subscribers from my Email List. I was in the middle of testing. I was rushing. I thought I just deleted one…. (my test account). Instead, it was the entire first page of names… 30 of them.

I sat there in shock. Then a noise pierced the eerie quiet of my socially isolated home. It was me… yelling ‘F&%@k’

Was that me? I felt like I was floating outside myself.

What an epic mistake.

These were people who took the time to signup to what i offered for free.

And they were just never going to hear from me again.

Talk about ghosting people. Not only that, these were the most recent signups.

Potentially, the most interested people in who I am and what I offer.

I felt like I’d cut off all their heads with a line of guillotines. Not sure where I’d get that many guillotines… maybe the French have some refurbished ones… 😛

Too soon for gallows humor? Probably, but that’s where my mind went.

I didn’t linger for too long – I went to the Convertkit help files to see if they could restore deleted subscribers.

Thankfully, for the mistake makers like myself, they can help!

I sent a message through their chat interface and it took a couple of days but they were eventually restored.

The tech people were amazing. I mean Convertkit makes you type in ‘Do it’ before you delete anything – and even after that, they were still able to help me.

Such a valuable lesson for anyone – not just on restoring subscribers, but to do with mistakes in general.

Even after 9 years, I still make mistakes. There’s always a way out. It might not be ideal, but there’s a way forward.

Have you made a mistake in your business because you were rushing?

Did you send out an email with the wrong subject line? Did you do something else?

Let me know I’m not alone in this one, guys.

Send me a DM over on Instagram!


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