You’re a New Coach Who Wants Your First Paying Coaching Clients Already!!!

Tiffany in a purple jumper

You’re a New Coach Who Wants Your First Paying Coaching Clients Already!!!

You’re struggling with:

• Posting regularly on social media but not seeing the new clients sign up

• Every day you’re wondering is it my coaching offer, my content, or maybe it’s just me

• Maybe you have that itch to change your niche again

And you’re definitely worried about:

• What’s your point of difference

• What should be in your IG bio

• How to handle sales calls or DM selling

• Why does it seem so easy for other coaches

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you:

• Woke up every morning knowing exactly what to do to sign clients AND you’re doing it AND it feels easy!

• Know exactly who you are, who you help and what makes you their number one choice for your amazing coaching

• Had your dream coaching clients reaching out to work with you and they can’t wait to Pay in Full

• Felt like a Rockstar Coach every day because you’re finally getting paid and your clients are changing their lives every damn day

• Had finally stopped worrying about why no one's signing to work with you or whether you should change your niche again


The Brave Coach Breakthrough Program

1 on 1 Coaching Program

  • Specifically designed for new coaches to sign your first 2 (or more) paying clients

  • We work through my 3 Step Approach of Marketing and Mindset to help you create your unique solution to signing clients easily and on repeat.

How it works

Number one in a purple square

Marketing and Messaging Foundations

Get Clear on:

• Who you Help
• The Amazing Transformation You Provide
• How you’re different
• Why people should work with you

Together we’ll Create your Signature:

$1,500 Coaching Package (so you can sign 2 clients and double your investment in me)

This is just a guide - we can tweak this to suit your personally.

Number two in a purple square

Mindset & Bravery Fundamentals

• Make Sales and Marketing Feel Easy NOT Icky or Pushy

• Silence that voice inside that worries about Clients getting results

• Find answers to: Who am I to be a coach and other Imposter Syndrome limiting beliefs

• Tackle the question: Can I really charge that much?

• And all the sneaky self-sabotaging your brain can try (looking at you Procrastination, Overwhelm & Uncertainty)

Number three in a purple square

Your Signature Client Signing Strategy

With my help, we create a repeatable system of signing clients that fits your

  • Personality

  • Strengths

  • Working Hours

You choose what works for you and ignore the rest: (Videos, Reels, Lives, Emails, Stories, Content, DMs, Networking and Collabs) and together we create strategic impact that gets you noticed and has your clients ready to Pay in Full.

Over 3 Months of 1 on 1 Coaching Support including:

  • 6 x 60 Minute 1 on 1 Coaching Calls (every 2nd week) - so you have time to implement between calls

  • Mon - Fri Support over Voxer / IG DM coaching during office hours

  • Access My 10 Year Marketing & Sales Knowledgebase of Templates, Checklists, Cheatsheets and Bonus Training

  • Personalised Meditations, Journaling Prompts and Mindset Exercises that get results

So you can: 

  • Sign your first 2 (or more) paying clients and finally be a new coach who gets paid to change lives.

Only 4 spots available in August and September. Book in your Free Strategy Call to see if we’re a good fit to work together.

Laptop and purple flowers on desk

The Perfect Blend of Marketing and Mindset Gets Results

It’s the perfect blend of Marketing and Mindset to help you sign your first paying clients.

I’ve been helping coaches sign clients since 2017 and I’ve been in online marketing since 2011.

I’ve helped clients like:

👉 Tracy and Jess who launched their first group program, earned thousands doubled their investment in me and signed their first 4 paying coaching clients.

👉 The amazing M* who signed her first 2 paying coaching clients within 60 days through amazing content and upleveling her mindset (no huge launch required)

👉 My own results having consistent clients since 2017, some clients have stayed working with me since then, too.

I Know You. I’ve Been You. I Can Help You.

Join me in the 3 Month Brave Coach Breakthrough Program for 1 on 1 Coaching. Only 4 Spots available to start in August / September.

I love helping new coaches sign their first paying clients because I really understand what you’re going through, especially on the mindset side of things.

The years of worrying whether or not my clients would get results affected my ability to sell my coaching for far too long at the beginning of my business.

The whole Imposter syndrome feeling despite my many years in online marketing - I had to tackle that as a coach so I could show up as my best self.

Because signing clients as a coach is NOT the same as selling a toaster online.

You have to show up as your best, most confident self to attract your clients. It’s like attracting a really close friend.

It requires trust (from your clients) AND compassion (from you).

And that’s where the blend of Marketing and Mindset comes in in the Brave Coach Breakthrough to get those clients signing up and paying in full.

I know you. I’ve been you and I can help you shift through this on both the Marketing Messaging (one of my strengths) and the Mindset side.


$1,491 USD or $497 per month for 3 months.

Or $2085 AUD or $695 per month for 3 months.

Our Goal

We’ll work together to create your signature $1500 package and when you sign two clients, you’ll have doubled your investment in me  👉 Plus you’ll have a repeating system of attracting clients you can turn on and off whenever you need.


  • No. This program is designed to attract clients without having to do a big launch.

    My Brave Coach Simplified Launch Explosion Program will teach you about launching. Contact me for details on this.

  • No. This is the best part of working with my range of experience. I've been in online marketing since 2011 and helping coaches since 2017.

    We find a strategy that suits you: Your personality, your goals, your lifestyle.

    I've worked on a range of strategies across multiple clients and we can find something that works for you.

  • I have 10 years of experience in Online Marketing. Before that I worked in IT for 12 years.

    I have been in Online Learning for 22 years.

    I’ve been a teacher for 8+ years.

    I’ve worked with 100s of businesses around the world in a variety of industries including Government and Non-Profit clients here in Australia.

    I’m not a one-size fits all marketer with only one strategy that works. I’ve tried a lot and seen more.

    My most successful clients have made $10K+ after working with me using systems that keep their business growing.

  • Yes, I have a lot of skills in technology and can walk you through just about any technical hiccups, even if you don't have good computer skills.

  • We have 6 x 1 hour 1-1 calls.

    Allow 2-5 hours per week for implementation (we can adjust your strategy if you need less time)

  • Yes! And Me, too! That's why I talk about choosing strategies that suit your lifestyle and support your health.

    Over the years, I've built so many strategies to keep my health in balance and we'll focus on working smarter rather than harder.

 Want to see the results I get for my clients?

Kind words

“Since our conversation I have been able to see the clear path of action to creating my group course without extra hustle and this is the best outcome I can possibly imagine. I feel more motivated to get the work done because I see how I can do it in a manageable and sustainable way for my energy flow.”

Yeliena Theofilatos
My Blooming Heart Hypnotherapy

“Tiff helped me make a shift - she helped me get clear on what is the situation for the people I’m speaking to and what are the benefits that they will get out of it [working with me]? We took that and then she helped me to polish up a landing page for a Black Friday sale offer and I earned more in a few days than I have for any other Event previously.”

Paula James
Art of Moving Well

“I loved that you were aligned with my business with simplifying, not needing to create all the bells and whistles where they really were unnecessary. And encouraged me and explained why they were unnecessary right now.”

Michelle Hearne
Productivity, Business & Life Coach

“Tiffany was so fun to work with. She helped me identify what I was afraid of and make an action plan to move forward instead of staying stuck in the fear. She has a genuine heart and truly loves serving her clients! After our call she sent me a plethora of information and resources to further support my journey!

Traci Waite
Certified Life Coach

Ready to Sign Your First 2 or More Paying Clients?