How I Calendar Block My Time For Increased Productivity in My Business

When I started my business I was Free from the shackles of 9-5. I was creative, but I was also broke. This technique of calendar blocking saved me and my business.

As a creative, I was horrified at the thought of scheduling out my time and not being spontaneous.

But, when I tried it out and found my own rhythm with it (not rigidly applied and had some flexibility) it actually created so much more freedom.

Here’s was happening, before the calendar blocking. I’d wake up thinking: Today’s the day I’m going to tackle my content. It will be my focus.

But, when I dove in, my mind would start with the thoughts. ‘You know you haven’t done your bookkeeping in a while. Or what about the Opt-in you were going to create isn’t that more important. Does anyone even ready your content??’

To escape the thoughts I’d jump into the social media stream, see some ad for a Webinar I didn’t need and attend it and feel like I was working.

Then I might create a whole new offer and by days end I had nothing in place to attract clients or tell people who I am etc.

You can kind of see how I became broke.

So, I tried this approach. By sitting down each week and planning out what I’d do for the week it meant I could focus on one task at a time, until it was complete.

Obviously, I’m not a robot. Things happen during the day, things get moved and shuffled – but I’m aware of the choices I’m making and the long term effects on me and my business.

When I teach people this method, I let them know that they can make it their own to suit their personality and lifestyle.

In today’s video, I share my screen and let you see the rainbow of calendar blocks that help me stay on top of multiple projects and client priorities.

This changed my life and helped me reduce anxiety, be on top of client deadlines and make money in my business.

Tell me your experience below. Do you use a similar system? No system? How do you make sure the right things are getting done at the right time in your business?

Send me a DM over on Instagram and let’s see if I can help!

PS: Want to try Acuity Scheduler? Here’s my affiliate link - it grants me a small commission and does not increase the price for you at all.


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