Handling Unsubscribers and Negativity in your Online Business

“Tiff, I can’t believe you did that… I would have done it differently. That would be more professional…” Words like this can sting and yet in our online business building they are par for the course. Especially, if you’ve followed my other videos about standing out from the crowd.

To get people to really like us, then it’s going to attract people who really dis-like us.

And that can lead to negativity and unsubscribers.

Sometimes, the fear of handling it at all can cause us to not even start on a new project or business idea.

In today’s video, I break down not only how I handle this in my business but how negative feedback can be turned into a positive…

Yes, it can be a good thing and we can even have the last laugh and use it as positive inspiration in our businesses.

How do you handle negativity in your business? Or do you try and avoid it?

Send me a DM over on Instagram and let’s see if I can help!


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