15 Things To Include In A Sales Page for Your Online Business

‘What do I write to get people to buy from me, Tiff?’ I get this question a lot! It’s not that we want to trick people into buying from us, but we do want to know what to say either in conversation or in a sales page.

Because, if you’re a coach, consultant or service provider, you have something to offer which will help someone.

You’re a problem solver! And it’s all about helping people to realise that you can help them.

The people who need you… who are already looking.

So that’s why in today’s video I break down the 15 things you need to include in a sales page.

Even if you aren’t creating sales pages, yet, you can use so much of this advice with sales conversations

Because, if you’re not taking the time to get this right, you could be missing out on new clients and growing your business.

Got questions about sales pages or conversations?

Send me a DM over on Instagram and let’s see if I can help!


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